Permanent Opportunities In Early Years

We know that temporary jobs aren’t for everyone. We work with multiple early years settings who are looking to recruit staff on a permanent basis. We support the settings to find best the staff.

How can we help you secure your dream role?

Whether you are looking for a temporary or permanent role, all perspective applicants will attend a zoom interview with the relevant consultant for their area.

This is where we spend time with you to find out what you are looking for in your next role, for example- you maybe looking to work with a particular age group, follow a particular ethos- Reggio or forest school, part time, full time, training and more! Everything is considered.

What you need?

Ideally you will hold a relevant early year’s qualification.

What makes us different to other recruitment companies?

Once we have a clear idea of what you are looking for, we will then talk to you about the settings that match your wish list best. You can then have a look at the information for the settings and decide which of the settings you would like us to arrange interviews for.

What happens after the interview?

The setting may offer you the position, once you have accepted you will then agree a start date. The setting may offer you the role, but it may not be quite right, no problem we can continue to help you find your ideal role. If the setting offers you a role and it’s not quite right, it’s not a problem as we can continue to help you find your ideal role!

This is where we spend time with you to find out what you are looking for in your next role for example- you maybe looking to work with a particular age group, follow a particular ethos- Reggio or forest school, part time, full time, training and more! Everything is considered.

Preparing for an interview

No one really likes interviews, and they can be stressful! We are here to support you; we will help you prepare for the interview and make sure you have clear understanding of the structure of the interview. Remember an interview isn’t just about whether they like you, you need to also make sure the setting is right for you too. It may be some time since you have had an interview, or this could be your first ever interview, either way we will help you prepare. We will work through a series of potential questions you may be asked and help you prepare for any scenario that is presented.

We’re not just here to recruit

We take a keen interest in how your career develops. We offer help, advice and support with the decisions you make and the career path you take in the early years sector.


Simply complete the call back form below and we'll be happy to talk to you about your options. Alternatively just email your CV to info@classrecruit.com